Experience & ideas: technology, liminosity - Tuesday 9:00 - 10:30
09:00-09:40: 01_Winter.pdf
09:40-10:05: 02_Cole.pdf
10:05-10:30: 03_Schmidke.pdf

Polarimetry, detector simulations & studies - Tuesday 10:50 - 12:25
10:50-11:15: 01_Gaskell.pdf
11:15-11:40: 02_Nadel-Turonski.ppt
11:40-12:00: 03_Kirleis.pptx
12:00-12:25: 04_Keppel.pdf

Status and progress on simulations and studies - Tuesday 13:30 - 15:00
13:30-13:55: 01_Taneja.pdf
13:55-14:20: 02_Burton.pdf
14:20-14:40: 03_Foreman.pdf
14:40-15:00: 04_Schnatz.pptx

Discussion & Short presentations: Planning & Organization - Tuesday 15:15 - 17:30