class HVchannel : public rtHVchannel

Class that corresponds to a PHENIX HV channel


Public Methods

inline int getChannelNb()
Returns the channel number
virtual int getPeakCurrent(double& dPeakCurrent)
virtual function which is overloaded in the case of 1471 channels
virtual int getPeakTripCurrent(double& dPeakTripCurrent)
virtual function which is overloaded in the case of 1471 channels
virtual int getRampTripEnable(bool& bRTE)
virtual function which is overloaded in the case of 1471 channels
inline short getTripCount()
Returns the trip count of the module
virtual bool hasBulkSupply()
member function to find out whether this channel belongs to a module that is divided into bulk supplies
HVchannel( int channelNum, const char *Name, const char *Type, HVmodule *pMyModule )
Constructor for a named channel of a given type
inline short incTripCount()
Increments the trip count of the module
virtual bool is1471()
name member function to distinguish 1471 channels & the new properties they possess
virtual bool isBulkSupply()
name member function to distinguish 1469 bulk supplies from normal channels
inline short resetTripCount()
Sets the trip count of the module
virtual int setPeakTripCurrent(double dPeakTripCurrent)
virtual function which is overloaded in the case of 1471 channels
virtual int setRampTripEnable(bool bRTE)
virtual function which is overloaded in the case of 1471 channels
virtual ~HVchannel()
(virtual) Destructor [as it might be a 1469]

Inherited from rtHVchannel:

Public Methods

HVmodule* getModule()
pstring getName()
pstring getType()


Reading values from the EPICS IOC record

virtual int getReadback( HVreadback &values )
to read back all important values
virtual int getSetpoint( HVsetpoint &values )
to read back all setpoints
int getCurrent( double& dCurrent )
Measured current [microAmp]
int getVoltage( double& dVoltage )
Measured voltage [Volt]
virtual int getDemandVoltage( double& dVoltage )
Demand voltage [Volt]
virtual int getRampUpRate( double& dVoltage )
Ramp up rate [Volt/sec]
virtual int getRampDownRate( double& dVoltage )
Ramp down rate [Volt/sec]
int getTripCurrent( double& dVoltage )
Trip Current in [microAmp]
int getEnabled( bool& bEnabled )
Returns true if the channel is enabled
int getChannelStatus( int& iStatus )
Returns the channel status as read from the hardware itself
virtual int getMeasuredVoltageDeadZone( double& dVoltage )
Measured Voltage dead zone [Volt]
int getMeasuredCurrentDeadZone( double& dCurrent )
Measured current dead zone [Volt]
int getHighVoltageLimit( double& dVoltage )
The (hardware) imposed high voltage limit (as given by the potentiometer)

Writing values into the EPICS IOC record

virtual int setSetpoint(HVsetpoint &values )
to set all important values
int Enable()
Enables the channel
int Disable()
Disables the channel
virtual int setDemandVoltage( double dVoltage )
Demand voltage [Volt]
virtual int setRampUpRate( double dRampRate )
Ramp up rate [Volt/sec]
virtual int setRampDownRate( double dRampRate )
Ramp down rate [Volt/sec]
int setTripCurrent( double dTripCurrent )
Trip Current in [microAmp]
virtual int setMeasuredVoltageDeadZone( double dVoltage )
Measured Voltage dead zone [Volt]
int setMeasuredCurrentDeadZone( double dVoltage )
Measured current dead zone [Volt]

Inherited from GenEpicsDevice:


Reading values from EPICS records in the IOC

long getByteValue( char* pcName, char& aChar )
Reads a byte
long getStringValue( char* pcName, char *aString )
Reads a string
long getShortValue( char* pcName, short& aShort )
Reads a short
long getLongValue( char* pcName, long& aLong )
Reads a long
long getFloatValue( char* pcName, float& aFloat )
Reads a float
long getDoubleValue( char* pcName, double& aDouble )
Reads a double

Writing values into EPICS records in the IOC

static long putByteValue( char* pcName, char aChar )
Writes a byte
static long putStringValue( char* pcName, char *aString )
Writes a string
static long putShortValue( char* pcName, short aShort )
Writes a short
static long putLongValue( char* pcName, long aLong )
Writes a long
static long putFloatValue( char* pcName, float aFloat )
Writes a float
static long putDoubleValue( char* pcName, double aDouble )
Writes a double


Class that corresponds to a PHENIX HV channel. This class is used to access a PHENIX HV channels in real time as well as in the databse, i.e. the individual HV channels that are controlled by EPICS or stored in Objectivity. Therefore HVchannel inherits from an interface, rtHVchannel, that allows to access HV channels in real time; the HVchannel object also possesses a member variable which points to the HVDatabaseSet which controls it.


HVchannel( int channelNum, const char *Name, const char *Type, HVmodule *pMyModule )
Constructor for a named channel of a given type

virtual ~HVchannel()
(virtual) Destructor [as it might be a 1469]

inline int getChannelNb()
Returns the channel number

virtual bool isBulkSupply()
name member function to distinguish 1469 bulk supplies from normal channels

virtual bool hasBulkSupply()
member function to find out whether this channel belongs to a module that is divided into bulk supplies

virtual bool is1471()
name member function to distinguish 1471 channels & the new properties they possess

virtual int getRampTripEnable(bool& bRTE)
virtual function which is overloaded in the case of 1471 channels

virtual int getPeakCurrent(double& dPeakCurrent)
virtual function which is overloaded in the case of 1471 channels

virtual int getPeakTripCurrent(double& dPeakTripCurrent)
virtual function which is overloaded in the case of 1471 channels

virtual int setRampTripEnable(bool bRTE)
virtual function which is overloaded in the case of 1471 channels

virtual int setPeakTripCurrent(double dPeakTripCurrent)
virtual function which is overloaded in the case of 1471 channels

inline short getTripCount()
Returns the trip count of the module

inline short resetTripCount()
Sets the trip count of the module

inline short incTripCount()
Increments the trip count of the module

Direct child classes:
Date: Aug 7, 98
Last Modifided: Aug 11, 1999

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling