class HVbulkSupply : public HVchannel

Class that corresponds to a LeCroy 1469 bulk supply


Public Methods

void addChannel( HVchannel *pChannel )
Adds a channel to the bulk supply
int getChannels( list<HVchannel*>& theList )
Member function that fills the list with a copy of pointers to the channels that it controls and returns the number of channels in that list
bool hasBulkSupply()
Returns true as it has a bulk supply
HVbulkSupply( int channelNum, const char *Name, const char *Type, HVmodule *pMyModule )
Constructor for a named channel of a given type
bool isBulkSupply()
Returns true as it is a bulk supply


Constructor in case we instatiate the object from the database (ooHandle dbHVchannel)

Inherited from HVchannel:

Public Methods

inline int getChannelNb()
virtual int getPeakCurrent(double& dPeakCurrent)
virtual int getPeakTripCurrent(double& dPeakTripCurrent)
virtual int getRampTripEnable(bool& bRTE)
inline short getTripCount()
inline short incTripCount()
virtual bool is1471()
inline short resetTripCount()
virtual int setPeakTripCurrent(double dPeakTripCurrent)
virtual int setRampTripEnable(bool bRTE)

Inherited from rtHVchannel:

Public Methods

HVmodule* getModule()
pstring getName()
pstring getType()


Reading values from the EPICS IOC record

virtual int getReadback( HVreadback &values )
to read back all important values
virtual int getSetpoint( HVsetpoint &values )
to read back all setpoints
int getCurrent( double& dCurrent )
Measured current [microAmp]
int getVoltage( double& dVoltage )
Measured voltage [Volt]
virtual int getDemandVoltage( double& dVoltage )
Demand voltage [Volt]
virtual int getRampUpRate( double& dVoltage )
Ramp up rate [Volt/sec]
virtual int getRampDownRate( double& dVoltage )
Ramp down rate [Volt/sec]
int getTripCurrent( double& dVoltage )
Trip Current in [microAmp]
int getEnabled( bool& bEnabled )
Returns true if the channel is enabled
int getChannelStatus( int& iStatus )
Returns the channel status as read from the hardware itself
virtual int getMeasuredVoltageDeadZone( double& dVoltage )
Measured Voltage dead zone [Volt]
int getMeasuredCurrentDeadZone( double& dCurrent )
Measured current dead zone [Volt]
int getHighVoltageLimit( double& dVoltage )
The (hardware) imposed high voltage limit (as given by the potentiometer)

Writing values into the EPICS IOC record

virtual int setSetpoint(HVsetpoint &values )
to set all important values
int Enable()
Enables the channel
int Disable()
Disables the channel
virtual int setDemandVoltage( double dVoltage )
Demand voltage [Volt]
virtual int setRampUpRate( double dRampRate )
Ramp up rate [Volt/sec]
virtual int setRampDownRate( double dRampRate )
Ramp down rate [Volt/sec]
int setTripCurrent( double dTripCurrent )
Trip Current in [microAmp]
virtual int setMeasuredVoltageDeadZone( double dVoltage )
Measured Voltage dead zone [Volt]
int setMeasuredCurrentDeadZone( double dVoltage )
Measured current dead zone [Volt]

Inherited from GenEpicsDevice:


Reading values from EPICS records in the IOC

long getByteValue( char* pcName, char& aChar )
Reads a byte
long getStringValue( char* pcName, char *aString )
Reads a string
long getShortValue( char* pcName, short& aShort )
Reads a short
long getLongValue( char* pcName, long& aLong )
Reads a long
long getFloatValue( char* pcName, float& aFloat )
Reads a float
long getDoubleValue( char* pcName, double& aDouble )
Reads a double

Writing values into EPICS records in the IOC

static long putByteValue( char* pcName, char aChar )
Writes a byte
static long putStringValue( char* pcName, char *aString )
Writes a string
static long putShortValue( char* pcName, short aShort )
Writes a short
static long putLongValue( char* pcName, long aLong )
Writes a long
static long putFloatValue( char* pcName, float aFloat )
Writes a float
static long putDoubleValue( char* pcName, double aDouble )
Writes a double


Class that corresponds to a LeCroy 1469 bulk supply. Functionally a bulk supply is just like a normal PMT HV channel with all the functions. This is achieved by simply inheriting from the HVchannel.


HVbulkSupply( int channelNum, const char *Name, const char *Type, HVmodule *pMyModule )
Constructor for a named channel of a given type

Constructor in case we instatiate the object from the database (ooHandle dbHVchannel)

void addChannel( HVchannel *pChannel )
Adds a channel to the bulk supply

int getChannels( list<HVchannel*>& theList )
Member function that fills the list with a copy of pointers to the channels that it controls and returns the number of channels in that list


bool isBulkSupply()
Returns true as it is a bulk supply

bool hasBulkSupply()
Returns true as it has a bulk supply

This class has no child classes.
Date: Jan 26, 98
Last update Aug 11, 99

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling