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2. Where is the code ?

To play with the following examples, you'll need to access some libraries, which are located as any other offline libraries, i.e. in $OFFLINE_MAIN/lib.

The code itself is located in CVS /offline/packages/emc-calib directory. It is split into 5 packages, each package corresponding to one library :

Figure 2: Inter-library dependencies

The inter-library dependencies are depicted in figure 2. Obviously some links are doubled. We are aware of that and it should be fixed some days...

As the libemcOM library depends on all the other ones, all the examples given in this document should work (from Root prompt) as long as you first load it :


NOTE: the code located in /offline/packages/emc-calib/ is a stable (and slowly evolving) version of what is developped and used online, located in /online/monitoring/emc/Common CVS directory.

In the following examples, we only use part of the interfaces of the classes we describe. Feel free to browse the include files to have a look at the complete interfaces. If you miss some methods, just ask for them ! ( or or or or or

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Laurent APHECETCHE - 2000-07-28