class emcDataObject: public TObject

Base DataObject which implements methods common to : - emcRawDataObject - emcMixedDataObject - emcCalibratedDataObject


Public Fields

[more] ClassDef(emcDataObject, 1)

Public Methods

[more]void DecodeKey(long key, Int_t& arm, Int_t& sector, Int_t& yrow, Int_t& zrow) const
Returns geometrical location given the software key
[more]Int_t GetMaxSize(void) const
Returns the number of towers of this object defined by the configuration file
[more]Int_t GetDataError(Int_t index) const
Get error related to a given tower
[more]Int_t* GetDataErrorPointer(void) const
Get pointer to the fDataErrors array (be careful with this method!)
[more]Int_t GetSize(void) const
Returns the number of towers of this object with non-zero data
[more]Int_t GetItemId(Int_t index) const
Returns the EMCal Object Id given the object naumber in the data map. The Object (Item) Identifier uniquely identifies the EMCal Object sendig its signal to the FEM channel stored as Item (Absolute Tower Number within PHENIX scope. Note - this tower numbering was extended to include FEM channels used to measure signals from References. The monitoring FEM's are grouped into nonexistent Sector "none"). It is actually implemented in the RawDataObject.
[more]long GenerateSoftwareKey(Int_t ItemId) const
Generate software key for a given EMCal Object (sets to -1 for non tower objects)
[more]long GetSoftwareKey(Int_t index) const
Gets software key for a given EMCal Object (assumes they were generated at instantiate time)
[more]long GetErrorFlag(Int_t index) const
Gets error Flag for a given EMCal Object
[more]bool HasErrors(void) const
Indicates if part(s) of the fDataErrors array is not zero
[more]Bool_t ValidIndex(Int_t index) const
Checks if the index is within the range of the array

Protected Fields

[more]Int_t fMaxSize
Number of towers of this object defined by the configuration file
[more]Int_t fSize
Number of towers of this object with non-zero data
[more]Int_t* fDataErrors
Data errors (do not belonge to this object)
[more]Int_t* fDataMap
DataMap (does not belonge to this object)
[more]long* fSoftKey
Software Keys - belonge to emcRawDataObject object

Protected Methods

[more] emcDataObject()
You are not supposed to instantiate an object of this class.


Base DataObject which implements methods common to : - emcRawDataObject - emcMixedDataObject - emcCalibratedDataObject
o emcDataObject()
You are not supposed to instantiate an object of this class.

ovoid DecodeKey(long key, Int_t& arm, Int_t& sector, Int_t& yrow, Int_t& zrow) const
Returns geometrical location given the software key

oInt_t GetMaxSize(void) const
Returns the number of towers of this object defined by the configuration file

oInt_t GetDataError(Int_t index) const
Get error related to a given tower

oInt_t* GetDataErrorPointer(void) const
Get pointer to the fDataErrors array (be careful with this method!)

oInt_t GetSize(void) const
Returns the number of towers of this object with non-zero data

oInt_t GetItemId(Int_t index) const
Returns the EMCal Object Id given the object naumber in the data map. The Object (Item) Identifier uniquely identifies the EMCal Object sendig its signal to the FEM channel stored as Item (Absolute Tower Number within PHENIX scope. Note - this tower numbering was extended to include FEM channels used to measure signals from References. The monitoring FEM's are grouped into nonexistent Sector "none"). It is actually implemented in the RawDataObject.

olong GenerateSoftwareKey(Int_t ItemId) const
Generate software key for a given EMCal Object (sets to -1 for non tower objects)

olong GetSoftwareKey(Int_t index) const
Gets software key for a given EMCal Object (assumes they were generated at instantiate time)

olong GetErrorFlag(Int_t index) const
Gets error Flag for a given EMCal Object

obool HasErrors(void) const
Indicates if part(s) of the fDataErrors array is not zero

oBool_t ValidIndex(Int_t index) const
Checks if the index is within the range of the array

oInt_t fMaxSize
Number of towers of this object defined by the configuration file

oInt_t fSize
Number of towers of this object with non-zero data

oInt_t* fDataErrors
Data errors (do not belonge to this object)

oInt_t* fDataMap
DataMap (does not belonge to this object)

olong* fSoftKey
Software Keys - belonge to emcRawDataObject object

o ClassDef(emcDataObject, 1)

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