Testbench operations

Russian version

Load serial data:
ssh phnxrc@phoncsc
cd $ARCNET_DATA/emc/tb
Start terminals for iocondevs and runcontrol GUI:
ssh phnxrc@phoncsc
ts iocondev13
ts iocondev1e
rc -standalone
Make sure that zero suppresion is off (Options->Config Readout->Zero Suppression->Off)
Press Download
Press Open
Press Calibration
To analyse data one can use Terry's code:
ssh phnxrc@va042.phenix.bnl.gov
cd ~/awes/Testbench/
root -l
 .x fullInit.C
 .x fullBook.C(1)
 .L fullRead.C
root -l
 .x scanAK.C(run_number))
Usually prdf files are stored in $STANDALONE_DISK/calibdata

Please put testbench results to the EmCal database For setting testbench up starting from the very beginning one should do the following steps.
  1. Connect all cables and turn power on
  2. Load serial data through arcnet
  3. Load DCM and GTM
  4. Take a run and analyse it
  5. Make a record in the EmCal database

Assembling testbench

In this section the most important tip is the following. If you do not know that to do call John Haggerty or Terry Awes.
Arcnet Hub DCM GTM Power supply FEM
Testbench Click on a block to see the picture of this hardware

If you know that to do but forgot it do the following steps.
  1. Check if GTM/DCM crate and Arcnet hub are on
  2. Make sure that cables are connected properly.
  3. Turn 6.5V power on
  4. The testbench FEM must be visible. From phoncs4 (Sun mashine next to the testbench FEM) issue:
    Nodes 1 and 255 must be on.

Taking data

  1. Under phnxrc account load serial data to the FEM:
    ssh phnxrc@phoncsc.phenix.bnl.gov
    ts iocondev1e
    cd $ARCNET_DATA/emc/tb
    This must load $ARCNET_DATA/emc/acf/emc_tb_long_gray_1fem.acf config file
  2. Check if appropriate pcf file is loaded to the DCM.
    In file $RC_HW_CONF/emc.tb.pcf only DSP#3 must be included to readout.
    If it points to emc.tb.pcf.29102004 it should be OK.
    [phnxrc@phoncsc]$ ll $RC_HW_CONF/emc.tb.pcf
    lrwxrwxrwx    1 phnxrc   rhphenix       19 Jun  3 13:15 /export/software/oncs/online_configuration/rc/hw/emc.tb.pcf -> emc.tb.pcf.29102004
  3. Start terminal for icondev1e :
    ts iocondev13
  4. Start run control GUI
    ssh phnxrc@phoncsc.phenix.bnl.gov
    rc -standalone
    Choose EMC.TB
  5. Make sure that zero suppresion is off (Options->Config Readout->Zero Suppression->Off)
    Make sure that alternate data format is chosen (Options->Config Readout->Data Format->Alternate)
    Press Download
    Press OK green button, then press File->Load Mode Bits. Chose GTM.emc_tb_AK_11272006.gtm. Change clock source to Internal. Press Open
    Press Start
    Press Calibration
  6. To analyse data one can use Terry's code:
    ssh phnxrc@va042.phenix.bnl.gov
    cd ~/awes/Testbench/
    root -l
     .x fullInit.C
     .x fullBook.C(1)
     .L fullRead.C
    root -l
     .x scanAK.C(run_number))
    Usually prdf files are stored in $STANDALONE_DISK/calibdata

    Please put testbench results to the EmCal database

Last update:
Andrey Kazantsev