Finding PMT/base and front end electronics problems

A. Kazantsev 12.2004
Tool for finding PMT/base and front end electronics problems /home/phnxpbgl/stkav/preparation/bad_PMT
  1. Make sure that HV is on.
  2. Force anyone using DAQ to leave it for 15 minutes
  3. Load Calibration trigger configuration
  4. Make sure that PPG signal reach LEDs.
  5. Take an LED run (one have to use partition including GL1)
  6. Run LED prdffile.prdf where prdffile.prdf is the name of LED file with the full path. It is ussulay stored in $STANDALONE_DISK/calibdata/ or $STANDALONE_DISK/junkdata/
  7. Start root -l show.C. To proceed with the next couple of plots double click on canvas with the name *E0
  8. Interpret plots. Each small square represents 2x2 modules set. Large square outlined with bold lines represents one FEM. Each plot show different types of problems:
    Low LG signal Low LG signal points 3 kinds of channels:
    • towers having dead FEE channel
    • towers having dead PMT/base
    • towers having U-base
    The best way to determine which kind of base is it is to check signal with the scope.
    Hi LG RMS
    Hi HG RMS
    Hi TAC RMS
    No idea where does it come from. It may be:
    • Bad ASIC (the whole ASIC should behave this way)
    • Bad LED (the whole supermodule should behave this way)
    • Bad base
    • Bad PMT
    Low HG signal If it appear for the whole ASIC it might be a problem and might be not. Some ASICs behave this way if the amplitude of signal is very high. It can be checked only using VY LEDs. Otherwise low HG signal points 3 kinds of channels:
    • towers having dead FEE channel
    • towers having dead PMT/base
    • towers having U-base
    The best way to determine which kind of base is it is to check signal with the scope.
    Bad TAC values Just problems with TAC

    Last update:
    Andrey Kazantsev