Michael J. Tannenbaum
A.B. 1959, M.A. 1960, PhD 1965 Columbia
Senior Physicist
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Experimental Physics - from muons to gluons
Research Overview
Columbia and CERN
In graduate school at Columbia, after summer jobs at Nevis, Los
Alamos and Brookhaven, I became interested in the problem of ``why
muons weigh heavy'' (compared to electrons)---was this somehow due to a
force coupled to ``mu-ness''? My thesis, under the tutelage of Leon
Lederman, was a measurement of muon-proton elastic scattering in
comparison to electron-proton (e-p) scattering to see whether muons and
electrons had different charge radii---they didn't [1].
I then went to CERN as a post-doc and worked with Jack Steinberger and
Carlo Rubbia on the first measurement of K_S and K_L Interference in
the pi+ pi- decay mode, which for K_L is CP violating [2].
I also worked with Francis Farley, Emilio Picasso, Simon van der Meer
on the first storage ring measurement of g-2 of the muon [3].
Harvard: muons, photons, proposals
When I returned to the U.S. as an Assistant Professor at Harvard, I
wrote a review article with Leon Lederman on High Energy Muon
Scattering, which included a neat formalism for the design of
longitudinally and transversely polarized muon beams [4,5]. This article
further piqued my curiosity about the mass of the muon, and I thought
of scattering muons from each other in hopes to see the force of
mu-ness---the analogy being the strong force, which becomes apparent in
hadron-hadron scattering but is absent in hadron-electron scattering.
Of course, colliding beams of muons didn't (and still don't quite)
exist, so I did the next best thing of using a muon to produce a pair
of muons in the field of a nucleus, the muon trident [6].
No force of mu-ness appeared, but we were able to observe for the first
time the Fermi statistics of identical muons [7]. With the presence of the Cambridge
Electron Accelerator (CEA) at Harvard, John Russell and I and 3
graduate students made measurements of vector meson, inclusive pion and
recoil proton photoproduction using a tagged photon beam [8].
The missing mass technique we employed in the CEA experiment proved
useful in another muon experiment at the Brookhaven AGS, where we
looked for excited muons by the same method---again no luck [9]. However, since deeply inelastic e-p scattering
(DIS) experiments at SLAC had just indicated point-like structures
inside the proton, we were the first to measure the Atomic Mass
dependence of DIS in nuclear targets---showing that muons are much
better for this purpose, since bremsstrahlung is suppressed---and found
A to the power 1.00 for x>0.1 as expected from pointlike constituent
scattering [10].
This was the time when NAL (now
FERMILAB) was starting up, and every Assistant Professor worth their
salt had submitted a few proposals. I was no exception: with Leon
Lederman, to look for the fabled intermediate boson, W, by single
lepton and lepton pairs (E70); deeply inelastic scattering by muons,
with the Harvard group (P29, E98); and a search for heavy leptons and W
bosons via photoproduction, with Wonyong Lee (E87). In the 1970 NAL
summer study, where the the photoproduction proposal with Wonyong was
developed, I started thinking about how the high energy tail of a
photon beam could be enhanced above the 1/k bremsstrahlung
spectrum---this led me to the idea of the ``coherently hardened photon
beam'' which works better, the higher the energy [11].
I also derived (to my surprise) a characteristic peaking at low energy
in the spectrum of muo-produced direct e+ e- pairs which is
qualitatitively different than the spectrum from direct coulomb
production of equal or heavier mass pairs---this was confusing to me at
the time, but the effect turned out to be well-known. I finished this
work 20 years later when energy loss of relativistic muons became an
important issue for the SSC and LHC [12], and
direct pair production in Au+Au collisions became an important issue
for RHIC [13].
Rockefeller: collider physics at the CERN ISR
I never got to do any of the experiments at NAL because I went to
Rockefeller University in 1971, just at the time when Rod Cool---who
had recently started the Rockefeller group---and Leon Lederman found
``high p_T'' pion production at the new CERN ISR. This was another
crucial indication of pointlike structure in the proton---a major
discovery which proved that the partons of DIS were strongly
interacting. I went to CERN, in 1973, to follow this up, and
participated in a series of experiments (CCRS, CCOR, [B]C[M]OR) which
made several important discoveries and innovations in the study of
``high transverse momentum phenomena'' in p-p collisions: direct
leptons (later found to be due to `open charm' [14];
inverse 5th power p_T scaling at fixed x; demonstration that high p_T
pions are produced by states with two roughly back-to-back jets and
measurement of the jet properties; conversion method for direct
photons; systematics of di-lepton production; first measurement of the
constituent-scattering angular distribution (using pion-pairs) [15]---all in agreement with QCD. Ok, so we didn't
discover the J/Psi and the Upsilon, but we were close; we got beat
(twice!) by lower energy machines with higher luminosities. I guess
this is what precipitated my move to BNL in 1980, to `help save'
ISABELLE which would have been the highest energy machine with the
highest luminosity.
BNL: First ISABELLE, then the ISR
Two years of making superconducting accelerator magnets proved to be a
very interesting intellectual challenge, which also led to a
understanding of two important issues [16]: the
superconductor critical current and
its relationship from strand to cable to magnet; and the magnetic
properties of iron laminations at room temperature and 4.2 K. With
the cancellation of ISABELLE in favor of the TEVATRON and the SSC, I
thinking about polarized p-p collisions as a still unexplored domain
where new
tools (parity violation) could lead to the discovery of new, unexpected
phenomena---a topical example from Snowmass '82 being parity-violating
quark-substructure. I resumed research at the CERN ISR, and I became
very interested in the shape of E_T spectra in p-p and alpha-alpha
collisions after we measured them to be the same over 10 orders of
magnitude in cross section [17]. During this
period, arguments raged about how or whether
experiments could be done in open geometry at high luminosity.
Following the
work of Randy Johnson, I began to understand the importance of
when considering E_T spectra from several piled-up p-p collisions. I
then applied this concept to E_T spectra from alpha-alpha collisions.
With the help of Chellis Chasman and John Olness, this led me to the
use of gamma distributions for E_T spectra, both because of their
convolution property and the fact that they happened to describe the
spectra to an incredible degree[17].
BNL: Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics
Rising like a phoenix from the debris of ISABELLE, a new facility for
research was created at BNL by the construction in 1984-85 of a
transfer line between the Tandem and the AGS to allow the acceleration
of heavy ions in the AGS for fixed target experiments, possibly leading
up to a Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in the ISABELLE tunnel.
Based on the ISR alpha-alpha results, and to exploit the new state of
nuclear matter at conditions of extreme temperature and density which
would be produced, I joined with Ole Hansen, Chellis Chasman, Lee
Grodzins, Shoji Nagamiya and others in an experiment (E802) to explore
all aspects of these relativistic heavy ion collisions---one of the few
examples of `applied high energy physics'. This has been very fruitful
and continues to be one of my main occupations. As a complement to the
beautiful data on the systematics of semi-inclusive identified particle
production in p+A, O+A, Si+A and Au+Au collisions [18],
this experiment allowed me to continue the study of shapes of E_T
spectra, gamma distributions and convolutions, which resulted in a
clear understanding of the `Global Variables' in these reactions [19,20]---including the
explanation of intermittency by using Negative Binomial Distribution
fits to the shape of multiplicity distributions in small angular
intervals to reveal a dramatically reduced correlation
length in central O+Cu collisions [21], consistent
with Bose-Einstein correlations of identical particles.
Present Research: PHENIX and RHIC/SPIN
The approval of RHIC, in January 1990, led eventually, in 1991, to a
new PHENIX---this time an experiment to study leptons, photons and
hadrons at RHIC---which arose from the combination of three competing
but rejected proposals. In a parallel time-frame, a BNL task force for
``Polarized Protons at RHIC''---with myself and Gerry Bunce as
co-leaders---was revived. This led to a proposal for a program of Spin
Physics using the Heavy Ion detectors at the RHIC polarized collider [22], and, eventually, to the agreement, in 1995, for
the BNL-RIKEN RHIC/Spin program---which provides for a polarized-proton
program at RHIC to complement the Relativistic Heavy Ion program. The
PHENIX experiment at RHIC is now my main effort. Many of the essential
concepts in PHENIX are the result of my experience from the CERN-ISR:
the need for an electron trigger for low pT e+ or e- (e.g. for the
J/Psi or low mass pairs) utilizing a Calorimeter and a Cerenkov counter
with as little material in the aperture and no-magnetic field on the
axis to avoid curling up the lower energy member of internal or
external conversions [23]; use of internal conversions
with mass above pizero to measure direct photons at low pT[24]; the use of direct
(non-photonic) single electrons as a charm signal [24]
including the converter method for a precision
measurement of non-photonic background; highly segmented EM calorimeter
to be able to separate photons from pizeros to 25 GeV/c[25];
single-inclusive and two-particle measurements as the only way to
measure hard-scattering and jets in heavy ion collisions[26]; x_T
scaling as a test of QCD[27]; use of Gamma
Distributions to study and understand Fluctuations [28].
These methods led to major discoveries by PHENIX
such as observation of suppression of pizeroes [25]
and non-suppression of direct photons in A+A collisions [29] as evidence for the discovery of
a strong medium effect [30], first measurements of
charm and J/Psi at RHIC, properties of jets in p-p [31]
d+Au and Au+Au collisions, measurement of ET
distributions and fluctuations [32] ,
observation of anomalous antiproton to pion ratio (still unexplained)
at intermediate pT (2 to 4.5 GeV/c)[33], suppression
of direct-single-electrons from heavy quarks comparable to suppression of pizero for
pT ~ 5 GeV/c [34].
There are so many discoveries
that I wrote a review article to summarize them [35].
Still unexplored are
the Gluon structure functions in nuclei and spin-structure function in
polarized p-p collisions using direct photon production; search for new
physics using parity violation in ~100 GeV jets, measurements of
flavor-identified structure functions using parity violating W
production. Also remaining to be understood are the detailed mechanism
of suppression of both light and heavy quarks at RHIC and the
properties of the highly opaque medium produced in Au+Au collisions.
Understanding these issues ensures an exciting research program for the
forseeable future.
Some Representative Publications
- R.Cool, A.Maschke,
M.J.Tannenbaum, R.Ellsworth, A.Melissinos, J.H.Tinlot and T.Yamanouchi,
Muon-Proton Scattering at High Momentum Transfers, Phys.
Rev. Letters, 14, 724(1965); Michael J. Tannenbaum, thesis, Columbia
University, Nevis-132 (1965).
- C.Alff-Steinberger, W.Heuer,
K.Kleinknecht, C.Rubbia, A.Scribano, J.Steinberger, M.J.Tannenbaum and
K.Tittel, K_S and K_L Interference in the pi+ pi- Decay Mode, CP
Invariance and the K_S - K_L Mass Difference , Phys. Lett. 20, 207
- F.J.M.Farley, J.Bailey,
R.C.A.Brown, M.Giesch, H.Jostlein, S.vanderMeer, E.Picasso and
M.J.Tannenbaum, The Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Negative Muon
, Nuovo Cimento 45A, 281 (1966).
- L.M.Lederman and
M.J.Tannenbaum, High Energy Muon Scattering, in Advances in
Particle Physics, Volume 1, Eds. R.L.Cool and R.E.Marshak,
Interscience, New York (1968).
- My formula for the muon
beam polarization is still in use: See Eq.2 in Spin Muon Collaboration,
B.Adeva, et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth. A343, 363 (1994).
- Michael J. Tannenbaum,
Muon Tridents, Phys. Rev. 167, 1308 (1968).
- J.J.Russell,
R.C.Sah, M.J.Tannenbaum, W.E.Cleland, D.G.Ryan and D.G.Stairs,
Observation of Muon Trident Production in Lead and the Statistics of
the Muon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 26, 46 (1971).
- G.E.Gladding, J.J.Russell,
M.J.Tannenbaum, J.M.Weiss and G.B.Thomson, Measurement of
Photoproduction of omega and rho Mesons in Hydrogen, Phys. Rev.
D8, 3721, 3735 (1973).
- H.Gittelson, T.Kirk, M.Murtagh,
M.J.Tannenbaum, A.Entenberg, H.Jostlein, I.Kostoulas, A.C.Melissinos,
L.M.Lederman, P.Limon, M.May, P.Rapp, J.Sculli, T.White and
T.Yamanouchi, Search for Excited Muons, Phys. Rev. D10, 1379
- M.May, E.Aslanides,
L.M.Lederman, P.Limon, P.Rapp, A.Entenberg, H.Jostlein, I.J.Kim,
K.Konigsman, I.G.Kostoulas, A.C.Melissinos, H.Gittelson, T.Kirk,
M.Murtagh, M.J.Tannenbaum, J.Sculli, T.White and T.Yamanouchi,
Scattering of 7-GeV Muons in Nuclei, Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 407
- Michael J. Tannenbaum, Features
of Possible Polarized Photon Beams at High Energy---The Coherently
Hardened Bremsstrahlung Beam, Proc. of 1980 Interntaional
Symposium on High Energy Physics with Polarized Beams and Polarized
Targets, (Birkhauser, Basel, 1980),pp 379-388; A High Energy High
Intensity Coherent Photon Beam for the SSC, Proc of the SSC Fixed
Target Workshop, P. McIntyre ed., The Woodlands TX (1984).
- M.J.Tannenbaum, Simple
formulas for the energy loss of ultrarelativistic muons by direct pair
production, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A300, 595 (1991); M.J.Tannenbaum,
Inelastic Scattering, the Virtual Radiator and Energy Loss by
Relativistic Muons , 1970 Summer Study, NAL, Batavia, IL, pp.
- Proceedings of the
Workshop, ``Can RHIC be used to test QED?'', Eds. M.Fatyga,
M.J.Rhoades-Brown, M.J.Tannenbaum, April 20-21, 1990, BNL-52247 (1990).
- CERN-Columbia-Rockefeller-Saclay
(CCRS) Collaboration, F.W.Busser,
L.Camilleri, L.DiLella, B.G.Pope, A.M.Smith, B.J.Blumenfeld, S.N.White,
A.F.Rothenberg, S.L.Segler, M.J.Tannenbaum, M.Banner, J.B.Cheze,
H.Kasha, J.P.Pansart, G.Smadja, J.Teiger, H.Zaccone and A.Zylberstejn,
A Measurement of Single Electrons, Electron Pairs, and Associated
Phenomena, in Proton-Proton Collisions at the CERN ISR, Nucl.
Phys. B113, 189 (1976).
- CERN-Columbia-Oxford-Rockefeller
(CCOR) Collaboration, A.L.Angelis,
H.-J,Besch, B.J.Blumenfeld, L.Camilleri, T.J.Chapin, R.L.Cool,
C.delPapa, L.DiLella, Z.Dimcovski, R.J.Hollebeek, L.M.Lederman,
D.A.Levinthal, J.T.Linnemann, C.B.Newman, N.Phinney, B.G.Pope,
S.H.Pordes, A.F.Rothenberg, R.W.Rusak, A.M.Segar, J.Singh-Sidhu,
A.M.Smith, M.J.Tannenbaum, R.A.Vidal, J.S.Wallace-Hadrill, J.M.Yelton
and K.K.Young, Determination of the Angular and Energy Dependence
of Hard Constituent Scattering from pizero Pair Events at the CERN
Intersecting Storage Rings, Nucl. Phys. B209, 284 (1982).
- E.J.Bleser, J.G.Cottingham,
P.F.Dahl, R.J.Engelmann, R.C.Fernow, M.Garber, A.K.Ghosh, C.L.Goodzeit,
A.F.Greene, J.C.Herrera, S.A.Kahn, J.Kaugerts, E.R.Kelly, H.G.Kirk,
R.J.Leroy, G.H.Morgan, R.B.Palmer, A.G.Prodell, D.C.Rahm, W.B.Sampson,
R.P.Shutt, A.J.Stevens, M.J.Tannenbaum, P.A.Thompson, P.J.Wanderer and
E.H.Willen, Superconducting Magnets for the CBA Project,
Nucl. Inst. Meth. A235, 435 (1985); M.J.Tannenbaum, M.Garber and
W.B.Sampson, Correlation of Superconductor Strand, Cable and
Dipole Critical Currents in CBA Magnets, IEEE Trans. Magnetics,
Mag-19, 1357 (1983); M.J.Tannenbaum, A.K.Ghosh, K.E.Robins and
W.B.Sampson, Magnetic Properties of the Iron Laminations for CBA
Magnets, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., NS-30, 3472 (1983).
- BNL-CERN-Michigan
State-Oxford-Rockefeller (BCMOR) Collaboration, A.L.S.Angelis,
G.Basini, H.J.Besch, R.E.Breedon, L.Camilleri, T.J.Chapin, C.Chasman,
R.L.Cool, P.T.Cox, Ch.von Gagern, C.Grosso-Pilcher, D.S.Hanna,
P.E.Haustein, B.M.Humphries, J.T.Linnemann, C.B.Newman-Holmes,
R.B.Nickerson, J.W.Olness, N.Phinney, B.G.Pope, S.H.Pordes, K.J.Powell,
R.W.Rusack, C.W.Salgado, A.M.Segar, S.R.Stampke, M.Tanaka,
M.J.Tannenbaum, P.Thieberger and J.M.Yelton, Observation of KNO
Scaling in The Neutral Energy Spectra from alpha-alpha and p-p
Collisions at ISR Energies, Phys. Lett. 168B, 158 (1986).
- E802 Collaboration, ANL - BNL -
UCBerkeley - UCRiverside - Columbia - Hiroshima - INS - Kyushu - LBL -
MIT - Tokyo, T.Abbott, Y.Akiba, D.Alburger, D.Beavis, P.Beery,
M.A.Bloomer, P.D.Bond, C.Chasman, Z.Chen,
Y.Y.Chu, B.A.Cole, J.B.Costales, H.J.Crawford, J.B.Cumming, R.Debbe,
H.A.Enge, J.Engelage, S.Y.Fung, D.Greiner, L.Grodzins,
S.Gushue, H.Hamagaki, O.Hansen, P.Haustein, S.Hayashi, S.Homma,
H.Z.Huang, Y.Ikeda, J.Kang, S.Katcoff, S.Kaufman, R.J.Ledoux,
M.J.Levine, P.J.Lindstrom, M.Mariscotti, Y.Miake, R.J.Morse,
S.Nagamiya, J.Olness, C.G.Parsons,
L.P.Remsberg, H.Sakurai, M.Sarabura, A.Shor, R.Seto, S.G.Steadman,
G.S.F.Stephans, T.Sugitate, A.W.Sunyar, M.Tanaka, M.J.Tannenbaum,
J.H.vanDijk, F.Videbaek, M.Vient,
P.Vincent, E.Vulgaris, V.Vutsadakis, W.A.WatsonIII, H.E.Wegner,
D.S.Woodruff, and W.A.Zajc, Kaon and pion production in central
Si+Au collisions at 14.6
A GeV/c, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 847 (1990); Bose-Einstein
correlations in Si+Al and Si+Au collisions at 14.6 A GeV/c, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 69, 1030 (1992).
- E802 Collaboration, T.Abbott,
et al., Measurement of energy emission from O+A and p+A
at 14.5 GeV/c per nucleon with a lead--glass array, Phys. Lett.
B197, 285 (1987).
- M.J.Tannenbaum,
Transverse Energy Production in Light and Heavy Ion Interactions,
Intl. J. Mod. Phys. A4, 3377 (1989).
- E802 Collaboration, T.Abbott, et
al., Multiplicity distributions from central collisions of O+Cu
at 14.6 A GeV/c and intermittency, Phys. Rev. C52, 2663 (1995).
- G.Bunce, J.Collins,
S.Heppelmann, R.Jaffe, S.Y.Lee, Y.Makdisi, R.W.Robinett, J.Soffer,
M.Tannenbaum, D.Underwood and A.Yokosawa, Polarized Protons at
RHIC, Particle World 3, 1 (1992).
- M. J. Tannenbaum, Lepton
and Photon Physics at RHIC, Proc. 7th Workshop on Quantum
Chromodynamics, La Citadelle, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France, January
6-10, 2003, Eds. H.M.Fried, B. Muller, Y. Gabellini (World Scientific,
Singapore, 2003) pp 25-38, arXiv:nucl-ex/0406023
- M. J. Tannenbaum,
Charm in PHENIX--
a Signal or a Background?, Heavy Ion Physics 4, 139-148 (1996)
- PHENIX Collaboration, K. Adcox,
et al., Suppression of Hadrons with Large Transverse Momentum in
Central Au+Au Collisions at √sNN=130 GeV, Phys. Rev. Letters 88,
022301 (2002); S. S. Adler, et al., Midrapidity Neutral-Pion
Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at √s=200 GeV , Phys. Rev.
Letters 91, 241803 (2003); Suppressed π0 Production at Large
Transverse Momentum in Central Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV,
Phys. Rev. Letters 91, 072301 (2003)
- M. J. Tannenbaum, From
the ISR to RHIC--measurements of hard-scattering and jets using
inclusive single particle production and 2-particle correlations ,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 27, 1-10 (2005)
- PHENIX Collaboration, S. S.
Adler, et al., High-pT charged hadron suppression in Au+Au
collisions at √sNN=200 GeV , Phys. Rev C 69, 034910 (2004)
- M. J. Tannenbaum, The
distribution function of the event-by-event average pT for
statistically independent emission , Phys. Lett. B 498, 29-34
(2001) ---``It's not a gaussian it's a gamma distribution.''
- PHENIX Collaboration, S. S.
Adler, et al, Centrality Dependence of Direct Photon Production
in √sNN=200 GeV Au+Au Collisions, Phys. Rev. Letters 94, 232301
- PHENIX Collaboration, K. Adcox,
et al., Formation of dense partonic matter in relativistic
nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC: Experimental evaluation by the
PHENIX Collaboration, Nucl. Phys. A 757, 184-283 (2005)
- PHENIX Collaboration, S. S.
Adler, et al., Jet properties from dihadron correlations in p+p
collisions at √s=200 GeV , Phys. Rev. D 74, 072002 (2006)
- PHENIX Collaboration, K.
Adcox, et al., Measurement of the Midrapidity Transverse Energy
Distribution from √sNN=130 GeV Au+Au Collisions at RHIC, Phys.
Rev. Letters 87, 052301 (2001); S. S. Adler, et al., Measurement
of Nonrandom Event-by-Event Fluctuations of Average Transverse Momentum
in √sNN=200 GeV Au+Au and p+p Collisions, Phys. Rev. Letters 93,
092301 (2004)
- PHENIX Collaboration,
S. S. Adler, et al., Scaling Properties of Proton and Antiproton
Production in √sNN=200 GeV Au+Au Collisions, Phys. Rev. Letters
91, 172301 (2003)
- PHENIX Collaboration,
S. S. Adler, et al., Nuclear Modification of Electron Spectra and Implications
for Heavy Quark Energy Loss in Au+Au collisions at √sNN=200 GeV, Phys. Rev. Letters
96, 032301 (2006), ibid 032001
- M. J. Tannenbaum, Recent
results in relativistic heavy ion collisions: from `a new state of
matter' to `the perfect fluid', Rep. Prog. Phys. 69, 2005-2059
Recent Talks
and Publications on the WWW
PHENIX Collaboration Meeting Jan 8-12, 1996 |
Multiplicity Fluctuations |
| Convolutions/Intermittency |
RHIC/Spin-95 |
RHIC/Spin-96 |
Charm in PHENIX |
| How to discover the Quark Gluon Plasma |
BNL/PHENIX Group WWW page |
PHENIX-Publish Page |
| PHENIX Home Page |
Working Group |
Hard Scattering Working Group |
Nina's View |
J. Tannenbaum 07/01/2010 - contact: mjt@bnl.gov