Brief CV - Martin Purschke
Martin Purschke
Building 510C
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973-5000
- Master's Degree in Nuclear Physics, University of Muenster, Germany, 1985
- Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics, University of Muenster, Germany, 2/1990
- Senior Physicist at Brookhaven National Lab, 2016-present
- Physicist at Brookhaven National Lab, 2000-2016
- Associate Physicist at Brookhaven National Lab, 1996-2000
- Staff Scientist at the Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforsching (GSI) Darmstadt,
Germany (stationed at CERN) 1991-1996
- University of Muenster, Germany, 1985-1991
Research and other Activities