class msg_control

Objects of the msg_control class maintain the profiling information for your messages.


Objects of the msg_control class maintain the profiling information for your messages. They add a few tokens to the output stream which can be parsed by the msg_buffer's routines, which so learns about the profile. Use it, for example, like this:
  msg_control *mvd_warning = new msg_control(MSG_TYPE_CODEDEBUG, 
  cout <<  *mvd_info    << " this is a info message from MVD" << endl;

The mvd_info's "<<" operator adds now the profiling information to the message, which is then parsed again and stripped off by our custom streambuf.

If we do not have a custom streambuf, the msg_control objects maintain silence. They have to be activated by one of our custom streambufs first.

@VERSION: 2.0 ejd add string for component source of message

This class has no child classes.

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