class filter_msg_buffer: public msg_buffer

This is the "filter" msg_buffer class which allows you to filter messages based on their profile.


Public Methods

[more] filter_msg_buffer(const int msglen=256)
The msglen parameter specifies the initial length of the message string which is kept internally.
[more] filter_msg_buffer(const int type_max, const int source_max, const int sev_max, const int msglen=256)
This constructor defines a custom-sized matrix of type/source/severities.
[more]virtual ~filter_msg_buffer()
the virtual destructor
[more]virtual int sync()
the sync function overrides the streambuf's sync function
[more]virtual int set(const int msg_type, const int msg_source, const int msg_severity, const int value = OFF)
the set function defines (ON or OFF) which messages are passed and which ones are filtered.
[more]virtual int set_severity_below_threshold(const int threshold, const int value =OFF)
Globally set all messages below a certain severity threshold to ON or OFF
[more]virtual int set_type(const int type, const int value =OFF)
Globally switch ON or OFF all messages of a certain type
[more]virtual int set_source(const int source, const int value =OFF)
Globally switch ON or OFF all messages from a certain source
[more]virtual int all_off()
Globally switch all messages off
[more]virtual int all_on()
Globally switch all messages on

Inherited from msg_buffer:


This is the "filter" msg_buffer class which allows you to filter messages based on their profile. Its default behavior is to let all messages pass. You can use the member functions to tailor the kind of messages filtered and passed on.
o filter_msg_buffer(const int msglen=256)
The msglen parameter specifies the initial length of the message string which is kept internally. If you exceed the length, it is automautically extended.

o filter_msg_buffer(const int type_max, const int source_max, const int sev_max, const int msglen=256)
This constructor defines a custom-sized matrix of type/source/severities.

ovirtual ~filter_msg_buffer()
the virtual destructor

ovirtual int sync()
the sync function overrides the streambuf's sync function

ovirtual int set(const int msg_type, const int msg_source, const int msg_severity, const int value = OFF)
the set function defines (ON or OFF) which messages are passed and which ones are filtered. This gives very fine-grained control. There are other functions which give you more global control.

ovirtual int set_severity_below_threshold(const int threshold, const int value =OFF)
Globally set all messages below a certain severity threshold to ON or OFF

ovirtual int set_type(const int type, const int value =OFF)
Globally switch ON or OFF all messages of a certain type

ovirtual int set_source(const int source, const int value =OFF)
Globally switch ON or OFF all messages from a certain source

ovirtual int all_off()
Globally switch all messages off

ovirtual int all_on()
Globally switch all messages on

Direct child classes:

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