Why a message system?

If you have used different software packages, you may have seen different message systems, which attempt to provide a coherent way of dealing with messages from the software, such as warnings, informational output, error messages, help text, and so on. In most cases, this is done through some variation of a dedicated message interface, such as the following, which is taken from STAF:
EML_MESSAGE("DUI:Initializing. ");
EML_MESSAGE("DUI:Starting. ");	

The idea is that you can, at the application level, decide what to do with certain types of messages. For example, you can switch warnings off completely, or send them to a different destination than informational messages, and so on. The C and C++ system itself provides you with "standard input" and "standard error"; the above approach takes this concept further to a larger number of different message categories.

This approach, however, has a number of problems.

This message system which is used for PHENIX tries to eliminate the latter shortcomings.

Alphabetic index Hierarchy of classes

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