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// Class: PadRec (implementation) 
// Created by: Paul B Nilsson, 
// Description: PC Cluster Reconstruction 
// Details: This is the Pad Chamber cluster class that 
//          contains the cluster reconstruction algorithm 
//          Fired pads are first converted to cells. These 
//          are in turn grouped into clusters (groups) of 
//          cells. The criteria for this is that when the 
//          cells have close neighbors (cell coodinates <= 1) 
//          they are stored in a new cluster object. 
//           When the cells have been grouped together, the 
//          average hit position is calculated and transformed 
//          into the global PHENIX coordinate system. 
#include "PadRec.hh" 
// Name:       PadRec 
// Definition: Default Constructor for PadRec 
// History:    04/26/00 Original by P. Nilsson 
//             08/14/01 PISA-to-DST modification 
PadRec::PadRec(short pc, PHCompositeNode* topNode) 
#ifdef DEBUG 
  cout << "PadRec::PadRec called" << endl; 
  // check on PISA-to-DST mode 
  if (pc < 0) 
      pc = -pc; 
      pisaToDSTRec = 1; 
      if (pisaToDSTPrintRec) 
	  pisaToDSTPrintRec = 0; 
	  cout << "\n\n   PadRec in PISA-to-DST mode for PC" << pc+1 << "\n" << endl; 
  short stat; 
  // Initialize 
  if ((stat = PadRec::init(pc,topNode))) 
    cout << "PadRec: error initializing tables: " << stat << endl; 
} // End method PadRec::PadRec 
// Name:       ~PadRec 
// Definition: Default Destructor for PadRec 
// History:    4/12/00 Original by P. Nilsson 
#ifdef DEBUG 
  cout << "PadRec::~PadRec called" << endl; 
  if (outfile) outfile.close(); 
} // End method PadRec::~PadRec 
// Name:       setParameters 
// Definition: Read in the parameter list from *par.C/PadRecModule::event 
// History:    6/29/00 Original by P. Nilsson 
void PadRec::setParameters(short parList[]) 
  if (parList[1] == 1) cout << "PadRec::setParameters called" << endl; 
  short tmp; 
  tmp = parList[0]; 
  eventNumber = (tmp >= 0) ? tmp : 0; 
  tmp = parList[1]; 
  debug = ( (tmp >= 0) && (tmp <= 5) ) ? tmp : 1; 
  tmp = parList[2]; 
  splitMax = ( (tmp >= 1) && (tmp <= 10000)) ? (unsigned int)tmp : 100; 
  tmp = parList[3]; 
  mode = ( (tmp >= 0) && (tmp <= 1)) ? tmp : 1; 
  tmp = parList[4]; 
  padTypeLimit = ( (tmp >= 1) && (tmp <= 3) ) ? tmp : 2; 
  tmp = parList[5]; 
  oneW = ( (tmp > 0) && (tmp <= 10) ) ? tmp : 4; 
  tmp = parList[6]; 
  oneZ = ( (tmp > 0) && (tmp <= 10) ) ? tmp : 4; 
  tmp = parList[7]; 
  oneL = ( (tmp > 0) && (tmp <= 100) ) ? tmp : 11; 
  tmp = parList[8]; 
  twoW = ( (tmp > 0) && (tmp <= 20) ) ? tmp : 8; 
  tmp = parList[9]; 
  twoZ = ( (tmp > 0) && (tmp <= 20) ) ? tmp : 8; 
  tmp = parList[10]; 
  twoL = ( (tmp > 0) && (tmp <= 150) ) ? tmp : 16; 
  tmp = parList[11]; 
  threeW = ( (tmp > 0) && (tmp <= 100) ) ? tmp : 100; 
  tmp = parList[12]; 
  threeZ = ( (tmp > 0) && (tmp <= 100) ) ? tmp : 100; 
  tmp = parList[13]; 
  threeL = ( (tmp > 0) && (tmp <= 100) ) ? tmp : 100; 
  // Open hit file 
  if (debug == 4) 
      if (!outfile) 
  	  cerr << "ERROR: unable to open output file" << endl; 
  else if (debug == 5) 
      if (!outfile) 
	  cerr << "ERROR: unable to open output file" << endl; 
// Name:       showStat 
// Definition: Dump some statistics 
// History:    6/29/00 Original by P. Nilsson 
void PadRec::showStat(void) const 
  cout << "----------------------------------------" << endl; 
  cout << "Statistics for PC" << currentPc+1 << "\n" << endl; 
  for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSectors[currentPc]; i++) 
      cout << "Sector #" << i << endl; 
      cout << ": Number of cells   : " << numberOfCells[i] << endl; 
      cout << ": Number of clusters: " << numberOfClusters[i] << endl; 
// Name:       setSector 
// Definition: Prepare a new sector 
// History:    6/28/00 Original by P. Nilsson 
void PadRec::setSector(short s, PHpadDetectorGeo* refGeo) 
#ifdef DEBUG 
  cout << "PadRec::setSector called" << endl; 
  currentSector = s; 
  // To handle data correctly (as in putting the global hits in the correct place) 
  // we need to correct the sector numbering, or actually succumb to it. 
  // The sector numbering isn't used for anything else in the reconstruction code 
  // than to reconstruct the right sector. 
  if (currentSector < numberOfSectors[currentPc]/2) 
      PadRec::setArm(0); // East arm 
      currentSectorReduced = currentSector; 
      PadRec::setArm(1); // West arm 
      currentSectorReduced = currentSector - numberOfSectors[currentPc]/2; 
  if (currentSectorReduced == 0) 
      // Extract the pad chamber panels for one arm at the time 
      // num = 8/4/4 (number of volumes) when geometry is read from ascii file 
      // num = 8/8/8 (number of volumes) when geometry is read from database 
      short num; 
      fromDatabase = refGeo->isFromDatabase(); 
      if (currentPc == 0) 
	num = refGeo->get_pc1Geo(currentArm,&pcPanel[0]); 
      else if (currentPc == 1) 
	num = refGeo->get_pc2Geo(currentArm,&pcPanel[0]); 
	num = refGeo->get_pc3Geo(currentArm,&pcPanel[0]); 
// Name:       getPads 
// Definition: Get pads (private) 
// History:    04/12/00 Original by P. Nilsson 
//             13/06/01 For-loops replaced by memset calls 
short PadRec::getPads(void) 
#ifdef DEBUG 
  cout << "PadRec::getPads() called" << endl; 
  short stat = 0, id, arm, side, sector, padx, padz, padtype, k, entries; 
  // Reset pad vectors 
  memset(&kPads, 0, sizeof(kPads)); 
  memset(&kPadTypes, 0, sizeof(kPadTypes)); 
  memset(&kPadID, 0, sizeof(kPadID)); 
  // Get number of entries (fired pads) 
  entries = dPcXRaw->RowCount(); 
  // Loop over the pads 
  if (entries > 0) 
      for (short i = 0; i < entries; i++) 
	  // Get list entry 
	  id = dPcXRaw->get_id(i); 
	  arm = dPcXRaw->get_arm(i); 
	  side = dPcXRaw->get_side(i); 
	  sector = dPcXRaw->get_sector(i); 
	  padx = dPcXRaw->get_padx(i); 
	  padz = dPcXRaw->get_padz(i); 
	  padtype = dPcXRaw->get_padtype(i); 
	  // Use sector interval [0,15](PC1), etc, instead of 2x[0,7](PC1), ... 
	  sector += arm*numberOfSectors[currentPc]/2; 
	  // Calculate pad index 
	  k = numberOfPadWires[currentPc]*padz + padx; 
	  // Fill pad vectors 
	  kPads[side][sector][k] = 1; 
	  kPadTypes[side][sector][k] = padtype; 
	  kPadID[sector][padx][padz] = id; 
    stat = -1; 
  return stat; 
} // End method PadRec::getPads 
// Name:       dumpCells 
// Definition: Dump the list 
// History:    4/12/00 Original by P. Nilsson 
//             3/11/00 Added file output 
void PadRec::dumpCells(list<Cell>& cluster) 
#ifdef DEBUG 
  cout << "PadRec::dumpCells called" << endl; 
  for (CI ci = cluster.begin(); ci != cluster.end(); ++ci) 
      if (outfile) 
	outfile << "w = " << (*ci).w << " z = " << (*ci).z << " id = " << (*ci).id << endl; 
	cout << "w = " << (*ci).w << " z = " << (*ci).z << " id = " << (*ci).id << endl; 
} // End method PadRec::dumpCells 
// Name:       fakeCluster 
// Definition: Create a fake cluster for testing purposes 
//             (this method should only be used by the 
//             developer) 
// History:    4/17/00 Original by P. Nilsson 
list<Cell> PadRec::fakeCluster(void) 
#ifdef DEBUG 
  cout << "PadRec::fakeCluster called" << endl; 
  // Test cluster: w,z,celltype, ,,, , ... 
  // Big block of 3x8 cells 
  const short fixed = 21; 
  short clusterCoords[fixed*3] = { 
    4,22,0, 5,22,0, 6,22,0, 4,23,0, 5,23,0, 6,23,0, 
    4,24,0, 5,24,0, 6,24,0, 4,25,0, 5,25,0, 6,25,0, 
    4,26,0, 5,26,0, 6,26,0, 4,27,0, 5,27,0, 6,27,0, 
    4,28,0, 5,28,0, 6,28,0 }; 
  list<Cell> cluster; 
  Cell newCell; 
  short j = 0; 
  for (short i = 0; i < fixed; i++) 
      newCell.w = clusterCoords[j++]; 
      newCell.z = clusterCoords[j++]; 
      newCell.celltype = clusterCoords[j++]; = 0; 
  return cluster; 
} // End method PadRec::fakeCluster 
// Name:       getCluster 
// Definition: Get a cluster from the cell list by 
//             identifying all cells that are neighbors 
// History:    4/12/00 Original by P. Nilsson 
list<Cell> PadRec::getCluster(void) 
#ifdef DEBUG 
  cout << "PadRec::getCluster called" << endl; 
  short z0, w0, z, w; 
  Cell newCell; 
  list<Cell> newCluster; 
  // Get the first cell from the list, store it and erase it 
  CI ci = cells[currentSector].begin(); 
  w0 = (*ci).w; 
  z0 = (*ci).z; 
  newCell.w = w0; 
  newCell.z = z0; 
  newCell.celltype = (*ci).celltype; = (*ci).id; 
  // Find the neighbors to all members of the new cluster 
  CI nci = newCluster.begin(); 
  while (nci != newCluster.end()) 
      w0 = (*nci).w; 
      z0 = (*nci).z; 
      ci = cells[currentSector].begin(); 
      // Find the neighbours to this cell and store them in the same list 
      while (ci != cells[currentSector].end()) 
	  w = (*ci).w; 
	  z = (*ci).z; 
	  if (isNeighbor(abs(w0-w),abs(z0-z))) 
	      // Add cell to the new cluster 
	      newCell.w = w; 
	      newCell.z = z; = (*ci).id; 
	      newCell.celltype = (*ci).celltype; 
	      // Remove cell from the list 
  return newCluster; 
} // End method PadRec::getCluster 
// Name:       getDimensions 
// Definition: Return the dimension parameters of a cluster 
// History:    4/18/00 Original by P. Nilsson 
void PadRec::getDimensions(list<Cell>& cluster, 
			   short& maxW, short& minW, short& maxZ, short& minZ) const 
#ifdef DEBUG 
  cout << "PadRec::getDimensions called" << endl; 
  maxW = 0; 
  minW = 999; 
  maxZ = 0; 
  minZ = 999; 
  for (CI ci = cluster.begin(); ci != cluster.end(); ci++) 
      maxW = max((*ci).w,maxW); 
      minW = min((*ci).w,minW); 
      maxZ = max((*ci).z,maxZ); 
      minZ = min((*ci).z,minZ); 
} // End method PadRec::getDimensions 
// Name:       getNumberOfParticles 
// Definition: Estimate the number of particles in a cluster 
//             by measuring the size and the number of 
//             member cells 
// History:    04/12/00 Original by P. Nilsson 
//             03/15/01 Reduced max nr of particles to 3 
short PadRec::getNumberOfParticles(list<Cell>& cluster) 
#ifdef DEBUG 
  cout << "PadRec::getNumberOfParticles called" << endl; 
  short num = 1, numCells; 
  short maxW, minW, maxZ, minZ; 
  short wLength, zLength; 
  PadRec::getDimensions(cluster, maxW, minW, maxZ, minZ); 
  // Set the dimensions of the cluster 
  wLength = maxW - minW + 1; 
  zLength = maxZ - minZ + 1; 
  numCells = PadRec::getNumberOfCells(cluster); 
  // Estimate the number of particles that created the cluster 
  if ((wLength <= oneW) && (zLength <= oneZ)) 
    num = (numCells <= oneL) ? 1 : 2; 
  else if ((wLength <= twoW) && (zLength <= twoZ)) 
    num = (numCells <= twoL) ? 2 : 3; 
    num = 3; 
  return num; 
} // End method PadRec::getNumberOfParticles 
// Name:       processCluster 
// Definition: Split a cluster recursively into sub clusters 
//             (if necessary) 
// History:    04/16/00 Original splitCluster by P. Nilsson 
//             05/26/00 Recursive version -> processCluster 
//             07/09/00 Bug fix: big cluster are better handled 
//             11/02/00 Too big clusters are now thrown away 
//             12/21/00 Removed a forgotten dumpCells call 
//             01/02/01 Cluster overlapping removed 
//             01/02/01 Algorithm compacted. Too big clusters = 1 particle 
//             01/03/16 Bug fix: 1-particle-cluster level fixed 
void PadRec::processCluster(list<Cell>& cluster, PHpadDetectorGeo* refGeo) 
#ifdef DEBUG 
  cout << "PadRec::processCluster called" << endl; 
  short nParts = 1; 
  PHBoolean split; 
  // Out-comment these lines if you want to write complete 
  // hit information to file (also set debug to 4) 
  // if (debug == 4) 
  //  { 
  //    if (outfile) outfile << "New cluster:" << endl; 
  //    PadRec::dumpCells(cluster); 
  //  } 
  if (cluster.size() <= splitMax) 
      // mode == 1: Split large clusters when necessary 
      nParts = (mode == 1) ? getNumberOfParticles(cluster) : 1; 
      // Cluster is very large (e.g. the whole ROC is firing) 
      // don't bother to split it 
      nParts = 1; 
  // When nParts is equal to one, we are ready. Calculate the hit position. 
  // If it's bigger than one, it will be recursively split into smaller 
  // clusters until nParts is equal to one. 
  if (nParts == 1) 
      // Determine and store the hit position 
      PadRec::setPosition(cluster, refGeo); 
      // Erase and delete the cluster 
      short sideLH, sideLV; 
      short maxW, minW, maxZ, minZ; 
      short wLength, zLength, maxZsub, maxWsub; 
      list<Cell> subCluster; 
      Cell newCell; 
      // Loop until all sub clusters have been processed 
      while (cluster.size() > 0) 
	  nParts = PadRec::getNumberOfParticles(cluster); 
	  if (nParts == 1) 
	      // Determine and store the hit position 
	      PadRec::setPosition(cluster, refGeo); 
	      // Erase and delete the cluster 
	      PadRec::getDimensions(cluster, maxW, minW, maxZ, minZ); 
	      // Set the dimensions of the cluster 
	      wLength = maxW - minW + 1; 
	      zLength = maxZ - minZ + 1; 
	      sideLH = PadRec::sideLength((float) wLength, (float) nParts); 
	      sideLV = PadRec::sideLength((float) zLength, (float) nParts); 
	      // Maximum wire number of sub cluster to be extracted 
	      maxWsub = minW + sideLH - 1; 
	      // Maximum z number of sub cluster to be extracted 
	      maxZsub = minZ + sideLV - 1; 
	      // Loop over the cells in the cluster 
	      for (CI ci = cluster.begin(); ci != cluster.end(); ci++) 
		  // Decide if the current cell should be a part of the new sub cluster 
		  // Use the dPadCluster table to determine the split order; 
		  // e.g. the cluster XXXXX will be split either into XX + XXX or XXX + XX 
		  // (avoid systematic error) 
		  split = kFALSE; 
		  if (wLength >= zLength) // Split horizontally 
		      if ((dPcXCluster->RowCount())%2 == 0) 
			  if ((*ci).w <= maxWsub) split = kTRUE; 
			  if ((*ci).w < maxWsub) split = kTRUE; 
		  else // Split vertically 
		      if ((dPcXCluster->RowCount())%2 == 0) 
			  if ((*ci).z <= maxZsub) split = kTRUE; 
			  if ((*ci).z < maxZsub) split = kTRUE; 
		  if (split) 
		      // Build a new cell 
		      newCell.w = (*ci).w; 
		      newCell.z = (*ci).z; = (*ci).id; 
		      newCell.celltype = (*ci).celltype; 
		      // Keep track of the split clusters (change sign of the celltype) 
		      if (newCell.celltype > 0) newCell.celltype = -newCell.celltype; 
		      // Save the extracted cell in the new sub cluster 
		      // Erase the used cell 
		} // end loop over cells 
	      // Process the extracted sub cluster 
	      PadRec::processCluster(subCluster, refGeo); 
	    } // end else 
} // End method PadRec::processCluster 
// Name:       getkPadID 
// Definition: Get the simulation id for a given pixel 
//             Principle: find the closest cell to the hit 
//             This is only necessary for simulation. As 
//             of Jan 2001, it is not possible to determine 
//             if the data is simulated or real inside the 
//             hit reconstruction algorithm. This consumes 
//             valuable time.. 
// History:    5/31/00  Original by P. Nilsson 
//             12/21/00 Removed a few junk lines and vars 
short PadRec::getkPadID(list<Cell>& cluster, double wrec, double zrec) 
#ifdef DEBUG 
  cout << "PadRec::getkPadID called" << endl; 
  short idcand = 0; 
  double dw, dz, d2, d2min; 
  d2min = 999.0; 
  for (CI ci = cluster.begin(); ci != cluster.end(); ++ci) 
      dw = wrec - (double)(*ci).w; 
      dz = zrec - (double)(*ci).z; 
      d2 = dw*dw + dz*dz; 
      if (d2 < d2min) 
	  d2min = d2; 
	  idcand = (*ci).id; 
  return idcand; 
} // End method PadRec::getkPadID 
// Name:       setPosition 
// Definition: Calculate and store position of the reconstructed hit 
// History:    04/17/00 Original by P. Nilsson 
//             03/11/00 Bug fix: int instead of short for w,z variables 
//             01/05/01 Bug fix: local coordinate system fixed 
//             01/05/01 Junk comments removed 
//             04/20/01 Read coordinates from database + major cleanup 
void PadRec::setPosition(list<Cell>& cluster, PHpadDetectorGeo* refGeo) 
#ifdef DEBUG 
  cout << "PadRec::setPosition called" << endl; 
  int numCells = 0, w = 0, z = 0; 
  short id, cw, cz, module; 
  short maxW, minW, maxZ, minZ; 
  double aasep, clsep, zgap; 
  double wMean, zMean, dxyz[3], temp[3]; 
  double zMeanTemp, upperScale, lowerScale; 
  float wLength, zLength, cellsAlongWireScale; 
  PHPoint sectorOrigin, p0, p1, p2, p3, dispP3P1, dispP2P0, globalHit; 
  PHVector baseP3P1, baseP2P0, connect; 
  size_t index, rindex; 
  // For local coord. system transformations only 
  // double pxlen, pxsep, wside, wcent, xoff, zoff; 
  // Get the mean value of the cell coordinates 
  for (CI ci = cluster.begin(); ci != cluster.end(); ci++) 
      w += (int)(*ci).w; 
      z += (int)(*ci).z; 
  wMean = (double)w/numCells; 
  zMean = (double)z/numCells; 
#ifdef DEBUG 
  cout << "..mean: " << wMean << " " << zMean << endl; 
  // Which pad/pixel is closest to the reconstructed hit? 
  cw = PadRec::near(wMean); 
  cz = PadRec::near(zMean); 
  // Set currentSide variable 
  // Get the simulation id for the center pixel 
  id = getkPadID(cluster, wMean, zMean); 
  // Restore the gap between the PC2/3 modules (0 in PC1) 
  // zgap = (currentSide == 1) ? temp[currentPc] : 0.0; 
  zgap = (fromDatabase) ? 0.0 : temp[currentPc]; 
  // Wire chamber parameters 
  refGeo->get_anodeSpacing(&temp[0]); // Anode-anode separation 
  aasep = temp[currentPc]; 
  refGeo->get_cellSpacing(&temp[0]);  // Cell separation 
  clsep = temp[currentPc]; 
  // Extract the defining points from the sector panel 
  // When the geometry is read from the database, we have access 
  // to 4 survey points per chamber (8 per PC2/3 sector = 2 PC2/3 chambers) 
  // When the geometry is read from the padGeometry.txt ascii file, we have access 
  // to 4 survey points per PC1 chamber and PC2/3 sector (2 chambers) 
  // See web documentation for explanation of indices and numbering at 
  if ((fromDatabase) && (currentPc > 0)) 
    module = currentSectorReduced + currentSide*CGLMAXSECTPERARM; 
    module = currentSectorReduced; 
  p0 = pcPanel[module].getPoint(0); 
  p1 = pcPanel[module].getPoint(1); 
  p2 = pcPanel[module].getPoint(2); 
  p3 = pcPanel[module].getPoint(3); 
  sectorOrigin = pcPanel[module].getCenter(); 
  // Calculate the errors [local coordinate system] 
  PadRec::getDimensions(cluster, maxW, minW, maxZ, minZ); 
  zLength = (float)(maxZ - minZ + 1); 
  wLength = (float)(maxW - minW + 1); 
  dxyz[0] = aasep*wLength/sqrt(12.); 
  dxyz[1] = aasep*wLength/sqrt(12.); 
  dxyz[2] = clsep*zLength*2/sqrt(12.); 
  // Convert to global coordinate system 
  // Define base vectors 
  baseP3P1 = (PHVector)(p3 - p1); 
  baseP2P0 = (PHVector)(p2 - p0); 
  // Scale factors 
  upperScale = baseP3P1.length() - zgap; 
  lowerScale = baseP2P0.length() - zgap; 
  // Treat one chamber at the time when applicable 
  if (currentSide == 0) 
    zMeanTemp = zMean; 
      zMeanTemp = ((fromDatabase) && (currentPc > 0)) ?  
	zMean - cellsAlongWire : zMean; 
  if ((fromDatabase) && (currentPc > 0)) 
    cellsAlongWireScale = 1.*cellsAlongWire; 
    cellsAlongWireScale = 2.*cellsAlongWire; 
  // Move along base vectors 
  dispP3P1 = p1 + baseP3P1*(upperScale*(zMeanTemp + 0.5)/cellsAlongWireScale); 
  dispP2P0 = p0 + baseP2P0*(lowerScale*(zMeanTemp + 0.5)/cellsAlongWireScale); 
  // Correct for the gap between the two sides of PC2/3 
  if (zMean >= cellsAlongWire) 
    dispP3P1 = dispP3P1 + baseP3P1*zgap; 
    dispP2P0 = dispP2P0 + baseP2P0*zgap; 
  // Define the connection between the upper and lower base vectors 
  connect = (PHVector)(dispP3P1 - dispP2P0); 
  // Move along the connection vector to the hit 
  globalHit = dispP2P0 + connect*((wMean + 0.5)/cellsAcrossWire[currentPc]); 
  // Store mean values in phool tables 
  index = dPcXCluster->RowCount(); 
  // rindex is equal to index (above) 
  rindex = dPcXRawClus->RowCount(); 
  // Out-comment these lines if you want to write complete 
  // hit information to file 
  //  if (debug > 0) 
  //    { 
  //      if (debug == 3) 
  //	{ 
  //	  cout << "index   : " << index << endl; 
  //	  cout << "id      : " << id << endl; 
  //	  cout << "arm     : " << currentArm << endl; 
  //	  cout << "sector r: " << currentSectorReduced << endl; 
  //	  cout << "sector  : " << currentSector << endl; 
  //	  cout << "x       : " << globalHit.getX() << endl; 
  //	  cout << "y       : " << globalHit.getY() << endl; 
  //	  cout << "z       : " << globalHit.getZ() << endl; 
  //	  cout << "cw      : " << cw << endl; 
  //	  cout << "cz      : " << cz << endl; 
  //	  cout << "wMean   : " << wMean << endl; 
  //	  cout << "zMean   : " << zMean << endl; 
  //	  cout << "numCells: " << numCells << endl; 
  //	  cout << "-----------------------" << endl; 
  //	} 
  //      else if (debug == 4) 
  //	{ 
  //	  outfile << eventNumber << " " << currentPc << " " << currentArm  
  //		  << " " << currentSide << " " << currentSectorReduced  
  //		  << " " << globalHit.getX() << " " << globalHit.getY()  
  //		  << " " << globalHit.getZ() << " " << zMean << " "  
  //		  << wMean << endl; 
  //	} 
  //      else if (debug == 5) 
  //	{ 
  //	  outfile << eventNumber << " " << currentPc+1 << " "  
  //		  << currentSector+1 << " " << globalHit.getX() << " "  
  //		  << globalHit.getY() << " " << globalHit.getZ() << " " << endl; 
  //	} 
  //    } 
} // End method PadRec::setPosition 
// Name:       getCells 
// Definition: Transform pads into cells 
//             Get the cells from the pad list 
// History:    Basic algorithm: D. Silvermyr 
//             04/12/00 Converted to phool by P. Nilsson 
//             05/03/01 Faster version provided by D. Morrison 
short PadRec::getCells(void) 
  short z, w, zt, zm, zb, wt, wm, wb, kt, km, kb; 
  short kt0, km0, kb0; 
  short padzt, padzm, padzb, padxt, padxm, padxb; 
  short side, sector, tempz, tempw; 
  short ktypet, ktypem, ktypeb, ktypezeros; 
  short reducedWire, offsetWire; 
  short tempzN, tempzS; 
  short stat = 0; 
  Cell newCell; 
  short arm; 
#ifdef DEBUG 
  cout << "PadRec::getCells() called" << endl; 
  stat = PadRec::getPads(); 
  if (stat == 0) 
      // Loop over all sectors, cell coordinates and both sector sides 
      for (sector = 0; sector < numberOfSectors[currentPc]; sector++) 
	  if (sector < (numberOfSectors[currentPc]/2) ) 
	      arm = 0; // East arm first 
	      arm = 1; // then West arm 
	  for (z = 0; z < cellsAlongWire; z++) 
	      // Get the z-coordinates for the individual pads 
	      // that make up this cell 
	      zt = z + 1; 
	      zm = z; 
	      zb = z - 1; 
	      // which pads belong to this cell? 
	      // (t = top, m = middle (center), b = bottom) 
	      padzt = zt + 1; // z+2 
	      padzm = zm + 1; // z+1 
	      padzb = zb + 1; // z 
	      kt0 = padzt * numberOfPadWires[currentPc]; 
	      km0 = padzm * numberOfPadWires[currentPc]; 
	      kb0 = padzb * numberOfPadWires[currentPc]; 
	      // Rotate and translate z-axis when necessary 
	      tempzS = cellsAlongWire - 1 - z; 
	      tempzN = cellsAlongWire + z; 
	      for (w = 0; w < cellsAcrossWire[currentPc]; w++) 
		  reducedWire = w % cellsAcrossWire[0]; 
		  offsetWire = w / cellsAcrossWire[0]; 
		  // Get the wire numbers 
		  wt = padWire(zt,reducedWire); 
		  wm = padWire(zm,reducedWire); 
		  wb = padWire(zb,reducedWire); 
		  // Get the padx and padz coordinates 
		  padxt = padWireToPadx(zt, wt) + offsetWire * 20; 
		  padxm = padWireToPadx(zm, wm) + offsetWire * 20; 
		  padxb = padWireToPadx(zb, wb) + offsetWire * 20; 
		  // Get the individual pad indices 
		  kt = kt0 + padxt; 
		  km = km0 + padxm; 
		  kb = kb0 + padxb; 
		  for (side = 0; side <= 1; side++) 
		      // Get the pad types 
		      ktypet = kPadTypes[side][sector][kt]; 
		      ktypem = kPadTypes[side][sector][km]; 
		      ktypeb = kPadTypes[side][sector][kb]; 
		      // Count the number of good pads 
		      ktypezeros = 0; 
		      if (ktypet == 0) ktypezeros++; 
		      if (ktypem == 0) ktypezeros++; 
		      if (ktypeb == 0) ktypezeros++; 
		      // (ktypezeros should now ideally be 3 
		      // Number of bad pads 
		      newCell.celltype = 3 - ktypezeros;  
		      // Have all pads fired? 
		      if ( (kPads[side][sector][kt] == 1) && 
			   (kPads[side][sector][km] == 1) && 
			   (kPads[side][sector][kb] == 1) && 
			   (ktypezeros >= padTypeLimit) ) 
			  // A cell has been found 
			  // Rotate and translate z-axis when necessary 
			  if (side == 0) 
			      // South side			       
			      tempz = tempzS;  
			      // North side			       
			      tempz = tempzN;          
			  // Rotate and translate w-axis when necessary 
			  tempw = w; 
			  if (side == 0)                      // South side 
			    tempw = (cellsAcrossWire[currentPc] - 1) - tempw; 
			  // PC3 West has its motherboard flipped (in PRDF mode) 
			  if ( (!pisaToDSTRec && currentPc == 2 && arm == 1) || 
			       (pisaToDSTRec && currentPc == 1) ) 
			    tempw = (cellsAcrossWire[currentPc] - 1) - tempw; 
			  // Store the found cell in the cell list 
			  newCell.z = tempz; 
			  newCell.w = tempw; 
			  // Get the simulation id from the middle pixel 
			  // (same for all) = kPadID[sector][padxm][padzm]; 
  return stat; 
} // End method PadRec::getCells 
// Name:       init 
// Definition: Initialize (private) 
// History:    4/26/00 Original by P. Nilsson 
short PadRec::init(short pc, PHCompositeNode* topNode) 
#ifdef DEBUG 
  cout << "PadRec::init() called" << endl; 
  short stat = 0; 
  // Default settings 
  eventNumber = 0; 
  debug = 0; 
  splitMax = 100; 
  mode = 1; 
  padTypeLimit = 2; 
  oneW = 4; 
  oneZ = 4; 
  oneL = 11; 
  twoW = 8; 
  twoZ = 8; 
  twoL = 16; 
  threeW = 100; // These are not used anymore 
  threeZ = 100; 
  threeL = 100; 
  // Get the top node iterator 
  PHNodeIterator topIter(topNode); 
  // Find the input tables ------------------------------------------------ 
  if (pc == 0) 
      dPcXRawNode = static_cast<TableNode_t*>(topIter.findFirst("PHIODataNode","dPc1Raw")); 
      dPcXRawClusNode = static_cast<TableNode_t*>(topIter.findFirst("PHIODataNode","dPc1RawClus")); 
  else if (pc == 1) 
      dPcXRawNode = static_cast<TableNode_t*>(topIter.findFirst("PHIODataNode","dPc2Raw")); 
      dPcXRawClusNode = static_cast<TableNode_t*>(topIter.findFirst("PHIODataNode","dPc2RawClus")); 
  else if (pc == 2) 
      dPcXRawNode = static_cast<TableNode_t*>(topIter.findFirst("PHIODataNode","dPc3Raw")); 
      dPcXRawClusNode = static_cast<TableNode_t*>(topIter.findFirst("PHIODataNode","dPc3RawClus")); 
  if (!dPcXRawNode) 
      cout << "PadRec::event ERROR: dPc" << pc+1 << "Raw not found." << endl; 
      stat = -1; 
  if (!dPcXRawClusNode) 
      cout << "PadRec::event ERROR: dPc" << pc+1 << "RawClus not found." << endl; 
      stat = -1; 
  dPcXRaw = static_cast<dPadRawWrapper*>(dPcXRawNode->getData()); 
  dPcXRawClus = static_cast<dPadRawClusWrapper*>(dPcXRawClusNode->getData()); 
  // Output tables ---------------------------------------------------------- 
  if (currentPc == 0) 
    dPcXClusterNode = static_cast<TableNode_t*>(topIter.findFirst("PHIODataNode","dPc1Cluster")); 
  else if (currentPc == 1) 
    dPcXClusterNode = static_cast<TableNode_t*>(topIter.findFirst("PHIODataNode","dPc2Cluster")); 
  else if (currentPc == 2) 
    dPcXClusterNode = static_cast<TableNode_t*>(topIter.findFirst("PHIODataNode","dPc3Cluster")); 
  if (!dPcXClusterNode) 
      cout << "PadRec::event ERROR: dPc" << currentPc+1 << "Cluster not found." << endl; 
      stat = -1; 
  dPcXCluster = static_cast<dPadClusterWrapper*>(dPcXClusterNode->getData()); 
  // Keep track of the number of cells and clusters per sector 
  for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSectors[currentPc]; i++) 
      numberOfCells[i] = 0; 
      numberOfClusters[i] = 0; 
  return stat; 
} // End method PadRec::init 

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