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Preliminary Approval Procedures

This document was last modified on January 21, 2008.

Over the past few years, PHENIX has devoped customs and procedures to approve new results as PHENIX preliminary and allow them to be shown in public. The basic rules are laid out in the publication policy. However, in this web page, I have collected information and links to guide you through the procedures.

PWG Approval

Data analysis is performed by PHENIX collaborators around the world. All analyses must be presented to and accepted by one or more of the Physics Working Groups before they can be considered for approval as PHENIX preliminary and deemed suitable to be shown in public. Generally, it is necessary to discuss details of the analysis at several working group meetings to sufficiently explain the techniques and address all PWG member and convener questions and concerns. These discussions are, in addition, essential for assigning systematic uncertainties to the data points.

Analysis Note

A PHENIX Analysis Note (AN) must be written, and made available to the PWG members and the collaboration. A draft analysis note must be submitted prior to requesting preliminary approval by the PWG. A very useful AN template and guideline for writing analysis notes has been written by Gabor David. A pdf version of the file, for ease of reading, was also kindly provided by Gabor. Notes are submitted using the AN submission form. Following the PWG approval meeting, the analysis note should be updated. The analysis note must be made available to the entire collaboration by no later than the end of the week preceding the plenary data approval session (typically Friday of core week). This allows collaborators to read the analysis note prior to the plenary approval meeting. Using the submission form accomplishes the collaboration-wide announcement automatically.

The Analysis Note database can be queries using the AN query form.

Presentation to the Collaboration

Any PHENIX data shown in public must first be approved as preliminary by the collaboration.

After approval by the relevant PWG(s), the data must be presented at a plenary session of a Collaboration Meeting or Core Week. These sessions will generally be held on Friday of each Core Week, though they may be moved earlier in the week if schedule constraints require. It is nice if presenters can be physically present at BNL or the Collaboration Meeting site for this talk, but it is certainly not necessary. PHENIX management will attempt to ensure availability of a bridge line for dial-in participation. There is precedent for the presentation to be made by a PWG convener, if the analyzers are unable to participate in the meeting.

We have found that the approval process is most efficient if analyzers present some background material about the analysis, but do not go into the same level of detail as in a PWG meeting. To aid in preparing a talk with optimum breadth and depth, analyzers are strongly urged to use the template. You may use whatever font and format you like, but please use the suggested talk outline.

Approved plots shall be prominently labeled "PHENIX preliminary" in the plot file itself.

Only one version of a measurement can be made preliminary and shown in public. The plot may be updated by addition of theory curves. However, any new version of the data must be "final", which means in a paper submitted for publication. Consequently, it pays to be judicious and apply a high threshold before requesting preliminary approval. For details on the procedure for publishing results in PHENIX, please see publishing PHENIX papers and the PHENIX publication policy.

Submit to the Plot Database

Plots approved as "PHENIX preliminary" must be so labeled, include the PHENIX logo, and be submitted to the plots database. They should also have readable labels, the collisions system and beam energy mentioned, and if possible avoid PHENIX slang like Run2, Run3, RXNP, TOF-W, ...
Here are two examples of a good example, thanks to M.McCumber, and the same plot made to look bad:

To submit, just go to the Data Plot Entry form.

The interface to query the plot database is here. You can also view a list of preliminary (and final) PHENIX data plots.

Archiving your PHENIX talk

Speaking on behalf of PHENIX carries with it certain responsibilities. Some are noted above in the section detailing the PHENIX Speakers' Bureau and the Publication Policies. Here are a few  more required steps.

  1. Post a preview of your talk in your p/draft/AppropriateSubdirectory...  area. 
  2. Announce the preview on the relevant list(s). phenix-p-l for general talks, or the appropriate Physics Working Group list for more targeted talks.
  3. Post the talk you gave in your publish/AppropriateSubdirectory... area.
  4. Post the proceedings (if any)  again in p/draft for review, then publish/... upon approval.
  5. Post to the talks database using the talk entry form.

Much more detailed guidelines are maintained by Brant Johnson. Please  make sure your contributions on behalf of PHENIX are made known to the PHENIX office!

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