PHENIX EMCal HEBT Goal & Beam Requirement

We have following goals for the high energy beam test of the EMCal.
  1. energy non-linearity measurement -- 5 - 40(or 80)GeV electron
  2. energy resolution measurement -- 5 - 40(or 80)GeV electron
  3. response map (shower shape) -- electron
  4. response for non-orthogonal incident particle -- electron
  5. response for hadron -- 40GeV pi-
I will summarize requirements for these goals and answers for these requirement from Konrad Elsener and Mischa Ippolitov.

For 1., we require 1% accuracy of absolute beam energy. 250MeV accuracy is achievable for 40GeV beam. This is estimated from magnet uncertainties and misalignments.

For 2., momentum bite should be less than 1%. This can be chosen to be less than 1% by a set of collimators.

For 3., position measurement is required. There are some options. Scintillator hodoscope whose position resolution is about 300micron is available at the H6 beam line. We might prepare position detector from BNL. Delay line readout chamber might be available at CERN. Suggestions are necessary for which one should be used.

For 3. and 4., moving table to put PbSc and PbGl SM's is necessary. It is available at the H6 beam line. (Not available at H8 beam line.)

For 5., electron contamination in 40GeV pi- beam is required to be less than 0.1%. This is obtained by using ABSORBER and CEDAR. We also have to think about the number of particles. 700 pi- per spill is available for the big-spot beam with 1.8% momentum bite. This is rather small number to collect enough data.

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